Sutra 1.12 and then 1.13

Sutras 1.12 and 1.13 are integral to my practice. sutra 1.12 sutra 1.13

Sutra 1.12 sutra 1.13. Here we go.Yoga Sutra 1.12 is part of the ancient Indian philosophical text known as the Yoga Sutras, attributed to the sage Patanjali. This particular sutra is written in Sanskrit and can be transliterated as follows: “Abhyasa vairagyabhyam tannirodhah.” Translated, it means: “The control of the mind is achieved through practice… Continue reading Sutra 1.12 and then 1.13

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Tapas & Ishwara Pranidhana

Choosing to transform yogaasana, pranayama and your philosophy to a path. Preparing the way for Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra 1.14. Here are a couple of references: tapas on Yogapedia: Tapas and the Discipline of Yoga ( Ishwara Pranidhana: What is Ishvara Pranidhana? – Definition from Yogapedia But note that I have changed the context here from… Continue reading Tapas & Ishwara Pranidhana

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Comfort zone

The edge of the comfort zone. That is where I must be if I wish to work with transforming. I have been within my comfort zone the last few years, and that isn’t going to work any longer. It is obvious, isn’t it? I must be at the edge there, pushing. Pushing and then setting… Continue reading Comfort zone

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Autumn 2023

Quick post on some autumn news. I’ll be teaching alternate Saturday classes at Yoga-Huset, Fana this autumn. I will also be teaching at a yoga weekend on Varaldsøy in November.

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Guru mantra

Gurur Brahmā Gurur Viṣṇur Gurur devo MaheśvaraḥGuruḥ sākṣāt paraṁ Brahma tasmai śrī gurave namaḥ Our creation is that guru (Brahma-the force of creation); the duration of our lives is that guru (Vishnu-the force of preservation); our trials, tribulations, illnesses, calamities and the death of the body is that guru (devo Maheshwara-the force of destruction or… Continue reading Guru mantra

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We have a right to the work, but not an entitlement to the result.

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Discussion topic: vairāgyābhyāṃ non-attachment or dispassion (dual form of the instrumental case of vairāgya)

Yoga sutra 12: practice and non-attachment. abhyāsa practice / vairāgyābhyāṃ non-attachment or dispassion (dual form of the instrumental case of vairāgya). vairāgyābhyāṃ This can be interpreted to mean simply non-attachment to the result of the practice. It is also non-attachment to the habits that the mind has built up. They are integrated but also separate.… Continue reading Discussion topic: vairāgyābhyāṃ non-attachment or dispassion (dual form of the instrumental case of vairāgya)

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