Sutra 1.12 and then 1.13

sutra 1.12 sutra 1.13. Seated figure in space with deity above
Sutras 1.12 and 1.13 are integral to my practice. sutra 1.12 sutra 1.13

Sutra 1.12 sutra 1.13. Here we go.
Yoga Sutra 1.12 is part of the ancient Indian philosophical text known as the Yoga Sutras, attributed to the sage Patanjali. This particular sutra is written in Sanskrit and can be transliterated as follows:

“Abhyasa vairagyabhyam tannirodhah.”

Translated, it means:

“The control of the mind is achieved through practice (abhyasa) and non-attachment (vairagya).”

This sutra highlights two key principles in the path of yoga.

  1. Abhyasa (Practice): This refers to the consistent and dedicated effort one puts into the practice of yoga. It involves the repetition of specific techniques, such as physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), and meditation, to train the mind and body.
  2. Vairagya (Non-attachment): Vairagya emphasizes the importance of letting go of attachments and desires. It suggests that true mental control comes when one can detach themselves from the results of their actions, not clinging to success or being overly affected by failure.

The combination of abhyasa and vairagya is seen as a balanced approach to achieving control over the fluctuations of the mind (citta). By consistently practicing yoga and cultivating a sense of non-attachment, individuals can gradually attain a state of mental equilibrium and peace. This sutra is part of the foundational teachings of classical yoga philosophy and serves as a guide for those on the yogic path seeking inner transformation and self-realization.

How does this relate to 1.13?

Sutra 1.13 follows Sutra 1.12 in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, and it is essential to understand the relationship between these two sutras. I’ll build a piece on this soon.

1.13 involves Patanjali’s instruction on bringing us back to the core element of practice: making the effort to remain steady in an internal focus.

In summary, Sutra 1.12 emphasizes the importance of practice (abhyasa) and non-attachment (vairagya), and Sutra 1.13 introduces the cultivation of practice. Together, these sutras offer a holistic approach to the practice of yoga and the development of a balanced and peaceful mind.

Link to sutras 1.12 on YogaInternational. Yoga Sutra 1.12 (

Soon we hit sutra 1.14. Check this post:
Tapas & Ishwara Pranidhana – Cobra-Yoga

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