“How do I stop my mind from spinning” said the mouse? “Don’t ask me. My mind is spinning too much to help you” said the other mouse. And fell over. 😉 The first few of Patanjali’s Sutras get us very excited as we are introduced to all of the wonders of practising yoga (1 –… Continue reading Yoga sutra 1.5
Santosha and Tapas: niyama arm wrestling ;)
A meandering post about the relationship between two niyamas: santosha (acceptance) and tapas (discipline).
Intentions and finding moments of stillness.
Intentions. Why are you doing what you are doing? Everything we do is on some level either for survival or to be loved. Or is it? What is your intention for your yoga practise? Through practices of forms of yoga, whether physical yoga asana, breath-work through pranayama, meditation or any of the other elements of… Continue reading Intentions and finding moments of stillness.
Yoga with mum
Visiting and doing yoga with the one who started me off. Mum.
Hello world! or how to recycle a blog post
And here we recycle the hello world, first blog post page which is automatically created when you first make your website. This is a bit of a silly effort in making a point about creativity and is related to a similar exercise that I wrote for my other blog over at ManV2 called Cleaning the… Continue reading Hello world! or how to recycle a blog post